Marriage brings bigger Scam with it

The Love Definition
2 min readApr 29, 2021


Marriage carries with it a bigger scam, and the cause for this is due to a variety of factors. Marriage is a wonderful experience and a significant event in one’s life. However, not everyone is capable of dealing with it and the obligations that come with it.

When two people decide to marry, it is no longer a matter of two people; it is now a matter of two families. Friends, relatives, and neighbours attend the league as well, and as too many people participate in it, conflicts, disputes, and disagreements arise, leading to the first explanation for complications and issues in marriage.

The second reason is the most famous one. When a couple is in a relationship or loves each other, they want to marry and will go to great lengths to make the relationship succeed. Promises, presents, quality time, and other gestures are made to make them feel unique, but after they get married, all of these aspects fade away as new responsibilities arise. Furthermore, human nature is designed in such a manner that once they get what they desire, they lose interest in it. So, if we speak in terms of percentages, we can say that out of a total of 100 per cent, just 30–40%, and at most ……..

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The Love Definition

Trying to spread good words about love and putting best efforts to define Love in all aspects.